Vision, Mission, Core Values


1. We will put a welcoming face on Christianity by becoming Jesus with skin on for the unchurched and neverchurched.

2. We will begin 10-15 groups consisting of 3-12 people that meet weekly or bi-weekly, each having their own ministry efforts. (10-15 groups will constitute a network of simple faith communites/micro-churches)

3, We will see changed lives of those in our small groups. Some people may get drunk or use illegal drugs less than they do at present. Others may begin reading the Bible for the first time, while others may be baptized into Christ after living a life avoiding Jesus.

4. Monthly, we will gather corporately within the confines of a local congregation for our own Zach’s House led worship and fellowship.

5. Members/friends of Zach’s House will provide an average of 100 volunteer hours to good works in our community each month by December 2014.

6. We will use our written word ministry to provide encouragement to the unchurched and to Christians around our region and the world.

7. We will establish relationships, nurture them, teach about God’s desire for us and rise up new group leaders in order to see a new network of small groups (faith communities) begin by Oct 2014. At that time, we hope to see these vision points repeat.


Core Beliefs

God the Father is Creator of heaven and earth. He is sovereign over all creation.

The son of God, Jesus Christ, is Lord. He is God in the flesh. He is the Savior of sinful humanity. He saves us through his death on the cross and by raising from the dead three days later.

At the end of time, whevever that may be, there will be a judgement day.

God, through the Holy Spirit, comes to live within the believer at baptism and empowers the church (which is made up of people) for works of service.

Christian community is essential for Christ followers to be fed spiritually, have true fellowship with one another, and to grow in our Christian walk.

Scripture, although often taken out of context, is the supreme authority for the church. It is a fountain of knowledge about God’s love and compassion. The scriptures are a reliable guide to living a Christian life.
