
Zach’s House is the name given to a small network of microchurches in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex. We do good for people while at the same time try to bring everyone we meet into a closer relationship with Jesus.

Our collection of small groups offers worship like what may be seen in a Church of Christ on Sunday mornings except a sermon would be replaced with an interactive Bible study. Certain of our small groups will include that study, communion and singing. Food is often involved.

Our small groups go out of their way to include anyone who wants to belong. We have our core beliefs and in each of our small groups there are some people closer to that core than others. But we feel all people are members, some are baptized believers and some may not be. Our goal is to see everyone that meets with us to become intimately related to Christ through baptism by immersion.

We believe church should be simple. Oftentimes, as seen by the chart below, church is way too complex. If you look at the chart below closely, you will see, this chart is probably one of the more simple ones.

church chart