I sometimes do this late at night

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I’m typing up some blog posts for my new website BrianHumek.com. I really like this wordpress theme. The house is quiet at 10:50 p.m. It’s been that way for about 45 min. It was a busy day at church, our nursing home ministry, and LTC practice for my son. Back home tonight, I made a pizza from a dough bought at Tom Thumb and I added a bunch of ingredients to a jar of Classico pizza sauce. Lots of sugar. The pizza isn’t half bad. Before going to bed, my wife asked me to make her one with spinach. I think I will when I’m done writing this. I might even add some bell peppers (orange ones).

Just a little bit more to go in the old time radio show I’m now listing to and then I’ll start the pizza. I should be in bed, but can’t get there just yet. I’m not even tired.

One more blog post to add to the new blog. I really am loving this new blog. I hope it helps people see my journey and will be something that Christians who are interested in our church planting and ministry work will find informative. Now on to my first post on my photography blog section. Some people just call those things “photoblogs.” : )

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